10 Excellent YouTube Math Channels for Teachers and Students

The digital era has transformed the landscape of education, making learning more accessible, engaging, and versatile. YouTube, in particular, has emerged as a pivotal educational tool, offering a wealth of resources for both teachers and students.

Math, with its intricate concepts and formulas, benefits significantly from visual and interactive content. This article delves into ten exceptional YouTube math channels that stand out for their quality, teaching styles, and ability to make complex topics comprehensible and engaging.

Key Takeaways

  • Diverse Learning Styles Catered: YouTube channels like Khan Academy and 3Blue1Brown cater to various learners, offering visual explanations and comprehensive topic coverage.
  • Adaptable Educational Resources: Channels provide flexible learning opportunities, suitable for supplementing classroom instruction or individual study, aiding in exam preparation and concept reinforcement.
  • Wide Range of Topics: From basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, there’s content available for all levels of math learning, ensuring continuous engagement and challenge.
  • Accessibility and Democratization of Education: Free access to high-quality educational content breaks down financial barriers to learning, making math education more inclusive.
  • Interactive Learning Environment: Many channels encourage viewer interaction through problem-solving, topic requests, and discussions, enhancing the learning experience beyond passive consumption.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is not just a channel; it’s an institution in the realm of online education. Founded by Salman Khan, it aims to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

The math section covers a vast array of topics from basic arithmetic and algebra to more advanced subjects such as calculus and differential equations. What sets Khan Academy apart is its systematic approach to teaching, where each video builds on the previous ones, making it an invaluable resource for students who wish to start from scratch or fill gaps in their knowledge.


Numberphile offers a unique and highly engaging approach to mathematics, focusing on the fun, quirky, and often overlooked aspects of the subject.

This channel, produced by Brady Haran, features interviews with mathematicians discussing interesting problems, theories, and numbers. Numberphile makes math accessible and entertaining, sparking curiosity and a love for the subject in viewers of all ages.


3Blue1Brown, created by Grant Sanderson, is renowned for its visually stunning explanations of high-level math concepts. Using computer animations, Sanderson explores topics such as linear algebra, calculus, and the essence of complex numbers.

The channel’s unique selling point is its ability to visually represent mathematical concepts, making them easier to understand and appreciate. This channel is ideal for students looking for deeper insights into math topics or for teachers seeking to illustrate abstract concepts with clarity.


Mathantics is tailored for younger audiences and educators looking for ways to make math more interactive and less intimidating. The channel covers basic math topics, including arithmetic, fractions, and algebra, with a focus on clear, concise explanations and engaging animations.

Mathantics is perfect for reinforcing classroom learning, homeschooling, and self-paced study, providing a solid foundation in essential math skills.


PatrickJMT (Just Math Tutorials) is a treasure trove of math knowledge, particularly for high school and college students facing advanced math courses. The channel covers a wide range of topics, including calculus, algebra, differential equations, and discrete math.

Patrick’s straightforward, step-by-step tutorials make even the most daunting math problems approachable, helping students to improve their problem-solving skills and confidence.

Vi Hart

Vi Hart calls herself a “mathemusician,” and her channel is a testament to the creative and exploratory side of mathematics. Her videos, often presented in a fast-paced, stream-of-consciousness style, delve into topics like doodling in math class, exploring Fibonacci numbers, and the mathematics of sound.

Vi Hart’s channel is ideal for those looking to see math from a different perspective, highlighting its beauty, creativity, and connection to the world around us.

Professor Leonard

Professor Leonard is somewhat of a legend in the online math community for his comprehensive and in-depth lectures covering topics typically found in high school and college curriculums. His videos, which can last up to several hours, are akin to attending a full classroom lecture, complete with detailed explanations and examples.

This channel is particularly valuable for students who need a thorough understanding of subjects such as statistics, calculus, and pre-calculus.


Mathademics focuses on breaking down complex math concepts into easy-to-understand lessons. The channel’s content ranges from elementary math to more advanced topics, making it a versatile resource for students at different levels.

The short, focused tutorials are designed to help learners grasp concepts quickly, ideal for review sessions or to complement classroom learning.


MindYourDecisions, run by Presh Talwalkar, explores the intriguing and often surprising side of math through puzzles, game theory, and logic problems.

This channel is perfect for those who enjoy challenging their minds and seeing the practical applications of mathematical thinking in everyday life and decision-making. It’s a great resource for teachers looking to introduce problem-solving activities in their classrooms.

Eddie Woo

Eddie Woo is a mathematics teacher who has gained international recognition for his ability to make math not just understandable but genuinely captivating. His channel, WooTube, features a wide range of topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced mathematics.

Eddie’s enthusiasm and skill in teaching shine through in his videos, making them an excellent resource for students who might find math daunting or abstract. His approach to teaching math as a language that we can use to understand the world around us is both inspiring and enlightening.


How frequently should students watch these math YouTube videos to see improvement in their understanding?

To see significant improvement, students should aim to incorporate these videos into their regular study routine. Watching a video or two daily, especially on topics currently being covered in their coursework, can reinforce understanding and aid in retention. Consistency is key, as regular exposure helps solidify concepts and problem-solving techniques.

Are there interactive components on these YouTube channels that allow for hands-on learning?

While YouTube itself is a platform for viewing content, many math channels encourage interactivity by providing problems to solve, quizzes in video descriptions, or directing viewers to external sites for practice. Channels like Khan Academy offer companion websites where students can practice problems and receive immediate feedback.

Can these YouTube channels help in learning math in languages other than English?

Several of the channels mentioned, such as Khan Academy, offer content in multiple languages or have counterparts that produce content specifically for non-English speaking audiences.

How do these channels address the different curriculums across countries?

While these YouTube channels may not tailor their content to specific national curriculums, the fundamental math concepts remain the same worldwide. They focus on universal math principles and problem-solving skills that are applicable across different educational systems. However, some channels might occasionally reference common textbooks or exam formats from certain countries as examples.

What advice do these channels offer for overcoming math anxiety?

Many of these channels indirectly address math anxiety by breaking down complex concepts into manageable, understandable parts and presenting math in a more engaging and less intimidating manner. Direct advice for overcoming math anxiety can often be found in video introductions, where educators underscore the importance of patience, practice, and persistence in learning math.

How can educators provide feedback or request specific content from these YouTube channels?

Educators can engage with these channels by commenting on videos, participating in community posts, or contacting the creators directly through social media or email links provided in the channel descriptions. Content creators often welcome feedback and suggestions for new topics, as it helps them tailor their content to meet the needs of their audience.

Final Words

YouTube offers an expansive array of resources for learning mathematics, catering to different levels, interests, and learning styles. The channels highlighted in this article stand out for their quality of content, pedagogical approaches, and ability to engage and inspire learners.

For teachers, these channels offer a wealth of material to supplement classroom instruction, provide alternative explanations, and introduce engaging content to spark students’ interest in math.

For students, they represent accessible avenues for self-paced learning, concept reinforcement, and exploration beyond the curriculum. As the digital landscape of education continues to evolve, these YouTube channels play a vital role in making math education more dynamic, interactive, and accessible to learners around the globe.